Can “catcams” help us understand behavior?

We are lucky to be in a time where more people are studying cat behavior.  But what are some of the best methods we should use to understand cats better? …

Why a new study doesn’t prove anything about cats and clicker training…or, how NOT to do science

I am a big fan of new behavioral studies that can help cats, and I’m also a big fan of using clicker training with cats. So when I saw a…

Can music make cats less stressed out?

I love music – always have. I listen a lot – while I’m working, while I’m cooking, while I’m driving, running, if I’m not sleeping there might be some music…

What cats and humans do when cats scratch the couch: A new study

Some behaviors that cat owners find problematic are in many cases just normal cat behaviors. Scratching is one of those commonly reported “nuisance behaviors” which is a perfectly natural behavior…

Training cats to love their carriers: Science shows it helps!

For many cat owners, there’s nothing more stressful than getting their cat to the vet. And it’s not necessarily the vet visit the pet parent minds so much as getting…

Stress and your cat’s health – a new study explores the connection

I think most of us are aware that chronic stress can take its toll on our health; it can reduce our immune responding, and lead to long-term inflammatory responses, and…