How do you feel about fat cats?

Owner attitudes are related to their own cat’s weight Recent surveys of veterinary professionals indicate that around 60% of cats who come to a veterinary practice are either overweight or…

Cats eating humans redux: a clowder will devour

It was almost a year ago that I reported on a study revealing scavenging patterns of feral cats outside of a forensic investigation station. These stations often research the changes…


How do the number and size of potential prey affect choices made by cats? Math — we all do it on some level (even if we don’t like to!), including…

Problem-solving and “pawed-ness” in cats – is there a relationship?

Most humans are right-handed (although as someone who lives with a lefty – DEFINITELY not all!); have you ever wondered if your cat also has a paw preference? I’ve previously…

Whisker stress: Science asks if it is real

About three years ago, a NY Times article drew attention to a problem plaguing cats around the world – a condition called “whisker stress” or “whisker fatigue.” Whisker stress is…

A new study looks at what cats prefer when it comes to scratching!

Furniture scratching by cats is one of those things that falls into the category of “normal feline behavior that bothers humans.” Scratching is an essential feel-good behavior for cats that…