Whisker stress: Science asks if it is real

About three years ago, a NY Times article drew attention to a problem plaguing cats around the world – a condition called “whisker stress” or “whisker fatigue.” Whisker stress is…

A new study looks at what cats prefer when it comes to scratching!

Furniture scratching by cats is one of those things that falls into the category of “normal feline behavior that bothers humans.” Scratching is an essential feel-good behavior for cats that…

Mobile Vetting during a pandemic: Dr. Kris Chandroo

Four years ago, I met Kris Chandroo – a veterinarian with a passion for cats and low-stress handling (not to mention also a scientist and musician)!! I interviewed him previously…

Is it time to ditch the “cone of shame”?

Has your cat or dog ever had to wear a “cone of shame”? Also known as an Elizabethan collar (or an E-collar), and resembling more of a lampshade, these devices…

Does behavior affect how long cats stay in shelters?

The goal for any animal shelter is to keep animals there for the shortest time possible, and help them get adopted as quickly as possible. Understanding what factors might impact…

Are cats who spray stressed out?

A new study compares cats who spray with those who urinate outside the litter box… and their feline housemates. As I like to say, nothing sends cats to the pound…