cats companion animal research Can science help us give behavior advice more effectively? As a cat behavior consultant, I’m always looking for ways to improve the effectiveness of the services I provide for…
cats Another study shows that Feliway™ doesn’t work Trying to make sense of the pheromone mess. First things first! Some of you might be wondering what the heck…
cats Can preventative behavior counseling reduce undesirable behaviors in cats? Are cats naughty or just misunderstood? Those of us who work professionally to help people solve behavior problems in their…
cats What’s stress got to do with it? Cats and urination outside of the litterbox. Urination outside the litterbox is one of the most common behavioral reasons cats…
cats Can playing with your cat prevent behavior problems? Do you play with your cat? How about every day? Be honest. I know most of you reading this are…
cats Can you add years to your cat’s life? Maybe. Humans are on an endless quest for a fountain of youth – keys to longevity and health – and we’d…
cats Is early spay/neuter related to the development of behavior problems in kittens? No, but we’ve got lots of other things to talk about! What factors lead some cats to develop behavior problems?…