cats companion animal research Can kittens do math? What a new study tells us about cats’ cognitive abilities Can kittens do math? Most, if not all, animals show the ability to perform a rudimentary form of math. We…
cats companion animal research Does your cat like to watch tv? I recently did some consulting for a pet food company who was designing advertising…for pets. In order to do so,…
cats Sniffing kitten butts for science? A new study explores whether and how mom cats might recognize their offspring. You’ve probably seen dozens of “mom cat…
cats How many mice? A new study explores numeracy in our feline friends. In the early 1900s, scientific attention to animal cognition was focused on the performance of one animal, Clever Hans the…
cats The cat questions continue: Do cats like music? I’ve previously blogged about musical animals, and many believe that musicality (at least to the extent we see in humans)…
cats Does a cat’s nose always know? A new study looks at visual and olfactory cue preferences in cats We know that cats have an excellent sense…