Quick Tips for Keeping Fireworks-Day Feline Friendly

My dear friend Julie Hecht recently posted excellent advice on how to help dogs that might get stressed out about fireworks on her excellent blog DogSpies. We sometimes forget that…

Sniffing kitten butts for science?

A new study explores whether and how mom cats might recognize their offspring. You’ve probably seen dozens of “mom cat foster” stories on the internet – where mom cats are…

Declawing: A new study shows we can’t look the other way

If there’s a veterinary “procedure” that tends to gets people all wiggly, it might be the declawing of domestic cats. Declawing is the amputation of a cat’s toes (with scalpel…

Is there such a thing as a “Purr-cebo Effect”?

The placebo effect is the phenomenon of reported or observed medical improvement in the absence of an active treatment. The placebo effect in humans has been found in several studies…

Cats getting “eufloric”: A new study explores olfactory enrichment for felines

Catnip: almost everyone knows about this magical mint-relative that has a powerful effect on approximately 60% of cats. Rolling, rubbing, drooling, and chewing are just a few of the responses…

How do cats use those tongues?

Have you ever wondered why cats tongues are so raspy? I was lucky to spend a day in December at the Cat Town Cafe in Oakland assisting with this cool video…