How do cats use space? Part 3: Looking at relationships

In this third post about how cats use space, we are now going to take a hyper-focused look at not just how you lay out the resources for cats in…

How do cats use space? Part 2: Multiple & separated key resources

In my last blog post, I covered a study that looked at how 14 cats in one home environment used their space. As you may have observed, space was a…

How do cats use space? Part 1

There have been several studies of feral cat colonies, their social interactions, how cats co-exist, and what factors (such as food availability) are related to the density of cat populations…

Does your cat like to watch tv?

I recently did some consulting for a pet food company who was designing advertisingfor pets. In order to do so, they needed to know – do cats like to watch…

Do people know how to pet cats?

A lot of people love cats, and those same people also usually love petting cats. What’s not to love? Cats are cute, they are oh-so-soft, and they purr! But do…

Do kittens have purr-sonality?

Animal personality can be defined as consistency in behavior across different contexts (hey, that’s kind of how we define it in humans too). For example, if a cat is nervous…